Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Naugarduko 24, room 103.
The aim
To give an overview of the Java language, applications and
development kit.
To introduce methods of programming of portable network applications,
in particular, Java applets.
To give hands on experience in Java network programming.
Java programming basics
Overview of the Java language
Tour on applets
GUI programming using AWT
Multithreading in Java
Networking with sockets and URLs
Streams, files, content handlers
Good programming skills. Acquaintance with C++ is very helpful,
but not compulsory.
Course layout: lectures, laborations and exercises
The course includes 9 lectures (each 2 x 45 minutes), 5 exercises
(each 2 x 45 minutes) and 2 x 4 laborations (each 4 h).
Lecture 1: Introduction
Java basics: Java applications and applets, JDK, packages,
class structure
Object-orientation in Java: classes, interfaces, inheritance,
Lecture 2: Java language
Identifiers, keywords, comments
Primitive and reference data types, arrays; type conversions,
Classes, methods. Control flow
Lecture 3: Programming applets, Java API basics
Applet programming model
Basic API
Lecture 4: JVM. GUI
Java Virtual Machine
Graphical user interface elements, event handling
Lecture 5: GUI (continued). Multithreading
Containers, layout manager
Threads, synchronization
Lecture 6: Networking: Sockets
Network and Web basics. IP addresses.
Networking with TCP and UDP sockets. Streams.
Lecture 7: Networking: Getting Web Resources
Retrieving data from Internet, URL.
Network methods of the Applet class
Lecture 8: Networking: Web Resources (continued).
URL connection.
Protocol handlers. Content handlers
Lecture 9: Networking: Remote Method Invocation
Remote objects. RMI
During exercises, instructors will guide you through example
applications/applets, provide some Java programming solutions, hints and
tips, and you will do some exercises on a specified topics such as Java
language, GUI and multithreading, TCP/UDP clients and servers, URL, RMI.
Merlin and Conrad Hughes, Michael Shoffner, and Maria Winslow,
Java Network Programming,
Manning Publications, 1997.
The earlier recommended book: M.D. Thomas et
al. Java Programming for the Internet. Ventana Communications
Group, 1996 - can be also used for reading. NB! The
book is based on the old version 1.0 of JDK.
On-line books:
(Recommended) The Java Tutorial: Object-Oriented
Programming for the Internet. A practical, online guide to writing
programs using the Java platform.